In 2021, aligned with good management practices, BB Foundation updated its Strategic Plan, aiming at focusing its work on generating work and income and making its strategic drivers more evident, ratifying and maintaining unchanged its Purpose, its Values and Principles and its Vision.
The assumptions presented in the original version were kept: more effective service to society's demands, mobilization of resources and the attractiveness of BB Foundation, operational efficiency and development of internal competences with focus on innovation.
2021 was the third year of the five-year cycle of the Banco do Brasil Foundation's Strategic Plan. During this period, we acted in order to fulfill the purpose of valuing lives and transforming realities, seeking effective solutions for the sustainable development of Brazilian communities and performing actions aimed at reducing the socioeconomic impacts caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
In the last two years, we have been actively positioning ourselves with actions both to prevent and combat the effects of the new coronavirus pandemic, within the scope of the Humanitarian Aid program, in addition to projects and actions that aim to contribute to social transformation and strengthening of society through socioproductive inclusion, generation of work and income and education for the future. Through the mobilization of partners, volunteers, society, government, Banco do Brasil and companies of the BB Conglomerate, we were able to provide emergency assistance to thousands of people in all regions of the country.
Historically, BB Foundation works to generate work and income opportunities for populations in situations of social vulnerability, poverty and unemployment, prioritizing training and guidance for the labor market, while promoting resilience to climate change and environmental care.
Socioproductive inclusion projects promote access to work and income opportunities and value training so that people are protagonists in their lives. The support of BB Foundation, over its 36 years, has strengthened the values of communities and local know-how. Qualification and economic autonomy are the essence of socioproductive inclusion.
Banco do Brasil Foundation lists and prioritizes its actions in favor of the populational segments that make up the base of the social pyramid, whether they are socially excluded or at risk of exclusion, among others who are vulnerable in the social context.
Considering the identified scenario, it was defined that BB Foundation will intensify and highlight the actions aimed at generating work and income, in all regions of the country, favoring the qualification and social and productive inclusion of people in situation or at risk of vulnerability. Social assistance, social technologies, volunteering, care for the environment and education are the transversal themes of our work, which is preferably materialized through the execution of our structured programs, with their respective indicators and preset goals.
We will seek to increase the scope of these actions, covering the largest possible number of people served, while maintaining the quality and reliability of the programs and projects supported by BB Foundation.
In the field of education, BB Foundation's support will ensure the necessary preparation of our young people for the labor market and their access to the Internet and digital learning content.
We will continue to adopt the lines of action listed below for the duration of the Strategic Plan, believing that they lead us to achieve our strategic objectives:
Articulations with other nonprofit organizations will be intensified, seeking the synergy among actions and the exchange of experiences, and strategic partnerships with the public and private sectors will be expanded, aimed at leveraging resources and scaling the impact of Private Social Investment. In addition, we will continue to adopt actions to develop a donation culture with Brazilian civil society as part of the BB Foundation's resource mobilization strategy.
We will continue to adopt the best governance and integrity practices and embrace transparent and integrated communication, including those aimed at prospecting new partnerships with potential social investors.
We will also continue to link the BB Foundation's actions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focusing on the 2030 Agenda goals defined by the United Nations, which aim to mobilize governments, companies and institutions in the search for solutions for sustainable development and tackling global challenges.
BB Foundation has sought constant synergy of actions with its Founder and continues to be the main executor of the social investment of Banco do Brasil and its Conglomerate.
The actions developed by BB Foundation are part of Banco do Brasil's sustainability strategy and comprise strategic indicators related to sustainability, integrating one of the 10 sustainability commitments announced by Banco do Brasil.
With the revision of the BB Foundation's Strategic Plan, we changed one of the objectives of the Strategic Map, linked to the "Society" perspective, to highlight our intention to promote people's protagonism associated with social and productive inclusion, through access to work and to income.
Valorizar vidas para transformar realidades
Ser reconhecida pela sociedade como fomentadora e multiplicadora de soluções para transformação socioambiental no Brasil
Ética e integridade como alicerce
Sensibilidade social com respeito à diversidade
Empoderamento socioeconômico para a sustentabilidade
Eficiência e inovação que geram inclusão
Efetividade na transformação socioambiental
Promover o protagonismo das pessoas e disseminar o uso das tecnologias sociais
Fortalecer a marca para impulsionar a mobilização de novas parcerias e gerar valor aos públicos de interesse
Assegurar as melhores práticas ambientais, sociais e de governança
Acelerar a inovação e a transformação digital, com foco na excelência e na eficiência operacional
Fomentar a cultura organizacional, com foco em alto desempenho e formação de líderes
Preparar crianças e adolescentes para o futuro, desenvolvendo competências e saberes para que sejam protagonistas de suas vidas
Ampliar o uso e apropriação de tecnologias sociais como soluções de demandas socioambientais por parte de comunidades em situação de vulnerabilidade
Contribuir para a promoção da cidadania e da vida digna em comunidades em situação de vulnerabilidade por meio das ações de voluntariado dos funcionários do Conglomerado do Banco do Brasil
Gerar renda para comunidades tradicionais e populações em situação de vulnerabilidade social, pobreza e desemprego alinhado ao cuidado ambiental e à promoção de um país sustentável
Minimizar os impactos negativos às populações afetadas por crises humanitárias e calamidades, promovendo ações de assistência e de acesso e manutenção e direitos humanos básicos