BB Foundation | Ethics, Transparency and Integrity

GRI 102-12 | 102-16 | 103-2 | 103-3 | 205-2

Acting in accordance with current legislation, regulations, policies and best practices is a fundamental precept of BB Foundation, even declared as one of the “values and principles” of our Strategic Plan.

The commitment to ethical and responsible conduct is expressed in the values of BB Foundation and formalized in the Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct, which guides our actions and attitudes towards the various stakeholders. In addition, the Foundation's employees who are assigned by the Founder also adhere to the Standards of Conduct and the Code of Ethics of Banco do Brasil, which provide specific guidelines on combating corruption and money laundering, listing illegal practices such as bribery, extortion and kickbacks.

Since 2020, we have also instituted an Ethics Committee to ensure ethics, integrity, compliance with the Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct and for monitoring the implementation of measures, recommendations and guidelines deliberated by the Committee itself.

To give transparency to actions and ensure compliance with laws and regulations, BB Foundation reports to the Prosecution Office of the Federal District and Territories - MPDFT, Ministry of Citizenship and Social Assistance Council of the Federal District – CAS/DF. In addition, it annually prepares its Activities Report, its Financial and Accounting Statements; and the Budget Execution Summary, which are submitted to independent auditors, Banco do Brasil’s Internal Audit and BB Foundation Fiscal Council, and approval by the Trustee Council. It is also periodically audited by and Independent Audit.

In 2021, we highlight the renewal obtained from the National Social Assistance Council - CNAS, linked to the Ministry of Citizenship, of the Social Assistance Benefit Entity Certificate - CEBAS, for the period from 04.01.2021 to 03.31.2023, in accordance with the Law 12.101/2009.

Seeking the permanent involvement of the employees, BB Foundation is dedicated to the constant publication of content related to the topic of ethics and the prevention and fight against corruption through newsletters, wallpapers, electronic messages and periodic information.

BB Foundation is an Institution engaged in actions that demonstrate its commitment to ethics and integrity, in order to guarantee the credibility of its performance with its stakeholders.

In 2021, BB Foundation renewed its adhesion to the "Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption", together with Instituto Ethos, obtaining the "Clean Company" seal, whose objective is to foster the promotion of a more honest and ethical market, in addition to to demonstrate the Institution's commitment to the Social Responsibility Principles of the UN Global Compact and the guidelines of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD.

Integrity Program

BB Foundation's Integrity Program is aligned with best governance practices and takes into account the legal requirements for preventing and fighting corruption, pursuant to Law 12.846/2013, regulated by Decree 8.420/2015.

It declares the mechanisms related to the management of ethics, active transparency, access to information, the handling of conflicts of interest and nepotism, the handling of complaints, the functioning of internal controls, risk management and involvement and training of the staff, ensuring the dissemination and promotion of measures and good management practices, to maintain an environment committed to ethics and transparency.

The document is based on thematic axes that are both guidelines and tools for the design of integrity and compliance actions, which require well-defined strategies for implementation and operation.
